
Sunday, November 07, 2004

Rhould really be studying but am still in procrastination phase. Have pretty much wasted the entire day although i did go to training for my new job. Right now i just wish i was someone else, anyone else. I'm completely sick of my life. The terrible thing is that i have absolutely no right to. I mean, sure exams suck, but other than that, my family isn't going through a major crisis, noone i know is dying, i'm not dying, hell i'm going on holiday in january. Maybe its cos i have no friends and out of the few that i have, i'm probably gunna lose one next year. its pathetic. i'm pathetic... i guess i'm just not a very social person. i should just crawl under a rock and die. honestly, the annoying thing is that i don't enjoy my own company and i guess noone else does either. not that i blame them.

i guess at least i realise that people don't like me. it really pains me to see people try so hard to fit in where they're not wanted. that is something of which i am well aware of. there's nothing worse than coming off as desparate. dignity people please.

ok. now i will go and try to fill my head with the intricacies of monotremes and reptiles though i would much prefer to watch LOTR. i'm so sad, its not funny.

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